RECHA: Giving YOU the power to change a life today

We know you love doing good. That’s why your here right, to REach out and CHAnge lives. RECHA is the doing good platform that allows you to do something good.
We work with organisations, charities and good cause projects and bring them together onto one platform.
You can choose the project that you want to donate to and follow there journey to see how your donation makes a positive change. 

Do Something Good Today

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When was the last time you truly did something good for someone else?

Lets face it, sometimes life moves too quickly for us to focus on anything but what life throws in our way. But from time to time, its great to stop and take note. Besides doing the usual for our family and friends, when did you last reach out to a complete stranger and do something good? 

Giving just a small gift today can really help someone in need of support. 

We want you to help us make the world just that little bit better, we want you to REACH out and CHANGE lives.

RECHA.... Do Something Good today!

REACH out, CHANGE lives

Project of the week!

How We Work

100% Donations

We give 100% of the money that you donate, directly to the cause. On the rare occasions that donors are unable to cover our fees, we give 90%.

100% Transparency

We post regular video updates on the donations page. If you opt in, we send you regular emails to view the progress and impact your donation has made.

100% Impact

We work with you to choose great causes and projects. You can set up your own project donation page, once verified, start receiving donations for your cause

Our Doing Good Projects

Take a peak at some of the projects you have selected. We love learning about other projects for our doing good platform, sign them up now!

Success Stories

Education Fund Collect

Raising funds for the education of 1,000 children in Cambodia

54 donors raised $320

View fundraiser

Child Fund Collect

Collecting funds to raise money to build an orphanage to look after abandoned children and give them a happy and safe place to call home

4 donors raised $240

View fundraiser

Foods Fund Collect

Raising funds to feed 10,000 people in Haiti

4 donors raised $223

View fundraiser